Thanks to our Sponsors

Wishing to be a sponsor of Mitcham Angling Club and see your logo on this page? Packages are available to suit all levels with a good target audience both within the club and through social media channels. Contact us to find out more!


Regal Marine

514 Canterbury Road, Vermont 3133

Phone 9874 4624

Licensed Dealer for
Mercury Outboard Motors,

TABS Alloy Boats, Malibu Boats
and Accessories 

For all your angling needs see
the full range of fishing tackle
including rods, reels, line, hooks,

 Sinkers and Lures

A large range of frozen bait
is also available at

 Regal Marine. 

Support Regal Marine which is committed to supporting

Mitcham Angling Club and its members.

Fishing Talks - your online portal for advertising and registration of all talks fishing!

Australian fishing network

Thanks for AFN for the donation of prizes for our upcoming talks. You can see more at